Klemen Sofric Euronascar Trophies Vallelunga 2022

Discover EuroNASCAR (part 5): Trophies for all kinds of drivers

The NASCAR Whelen Euro Series is all about finding the best NASCAR driver on European road courses in 400hp V8 beasts without any electronic driving aids and a pure racing character. With 30 cars on the grid in both championships, there can only be two champions in EuroNASCAR PRO and EuroNASCAR 2 but there is still some more silverware to grab for special groups of drivers. The EuroNASCAR Trophies spice up the championship with dedicated classifications within the regular championships.


Bart Dehaese Zolder Enpro Race 2 Start Zolder 2022
Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Bart Dehaese


In EuroNASCAR PRO, young talents face each other in the Junior Trophy. The Junior Trophy, eligible for drivers aged 25 and under, is one of the most precious trophies to fight for in the world of the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series. Big names like Alon Day, Loris Hezemans, Gianmarco Ercoli and Giorgio Maggi already got their hands on the special title within the EuroNASCAR PRO Championship. With two titles each, Day and Hezemans are the most successful drivers in the special classification, while Ercoli holds the record in the wins counter with 18 victories.

One of the closest and most disputed titles in EuroNASCAR PRO is the Challenger Trophy, dedicated to bronze and silver drivers in the elite division of the NWES. Henri Tuomaala is the record-holder with 20 race wins and three titles in the classification. Amateurs and semi pro drivers have their home in the Challenger Trophy while battling with the best NASCAR drivers in Europe. Due to the high level and tight competition, the battle for the title is always unpredictable and incredibly spectacular.

DISCOVER EURONASCAR Part 2: The Championship Structure

Bart Dehaese Liam Hezemans Trophies Rijeka 2022
Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Bart Dehaese


Newcomers in the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series often chose to compete in the EuroNASCAR 2 Championship and to honor the best rookie of the season, the NWES awards the Rookie Trophy. The latest addition to the title list is Loris Hezemans’ younger brother Liam Hezemans, who also took home the overall championship. He was the second driver – Lasse Soerensen accomplished the feat in 2019 – to win the EuroNASCAR 2 championship and the Rookie Trophy in the same season. Other notable Rookie Trophy winners are two-time EuroNASCAR 2 runner-up Tobias Dauenhauer and EuroNASCAR PRO race winner and EuroNASCAR 2 Champion Stienes Longin.

The EuroNASCAR 2 Championship is not only the right place for young talents, but also for gentlemen drivers. The Legend Trophy is dedicated to drivers aged 40 and above and like the Challenger Trophy, the outcome of the special classification is always totally unpredictable year after year. With three titles on his tally, Jerry de Weerdt is the most successful driver in the Legend Trophy while the latest champion is Melvin de Groot. Two NWES veterans from Italy, Max Lanza and Arianna Casoli, have also added their names to the championship list.


Klemen Sofric Lady Trophy Podium Vallelunga 2022
Credits: NASCAR Whelen Euro Series / Klemen Sofric

After years of male dominance in motorsport, women became a vital part in motorsports and EuroNASCAR has set its sail to support women in racing and leave a mark in the European motorsports scene. With the Lady Trophy, the fastest women are competing against each other to top the special classification. NWES star Arianna Casoli has three Lady Trophy titles under her belt and leads the wins counter with 32 victories. In 2022, Luli Del Castello became the latest Lady Trophy winner in her rookie year in EuroNASCAR.

All kinds of drivers have a motivation and a goal in the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series and for the fans, this means spectacular and pure racing all over the grid. These groups of drivers also receive media coverage in the special classification during the live streaming, on social media and on the EuroNASCAR website and often become fan favorites.

DISCOVER EURONASCAR Part 4: Pure Racing is NWES‘ Unique Selling Point

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